If returning tonight and/or racing in Markham
400 with fins Fr/Bk by 100 fist/swim by 50
6 * 50 dolphin kick 4 big kicks/8 fast kick – fins optional
6 * 75
1) Double turn/fast turn
2) Underwater turn/fast turn
At 6:22
4 * out/in from side. <---> 4 * break out from blocks
At 6:30
Three times thru (8 minutes per round)
2 * speed drill
2 * 10m sprint no underwater/15m easy
1 * 20m sprint
1 * 25 long
Last 30 min – 8 * 50m from blocks @ 200 Pace then warmdown
PM workout – or single workout if not in Markham & not sprinter
7 * 200 IM on 3:45
1) K/S by 50
2) Dr/Swim by 25
3) Drop a stroke
4) Swim fast turns and build effort
5) -7) Choice descend
3 * thru 75 on 1:15 or 1:20 – middle 25 strong (stroke?)
100 on 1:35 or 1:40 2nd and 4th 25 strong (stroke?)
125 on 1:50 or 1:55 1st, 3rd and 5th 25 strong (stroke?)
Set A 30 * 100
5 at FPP + 15 10 at FPP + 5
5 at FPP + 10
5 at FPP
Or Set B
4 * 200 on 3:45
100 build/50 sprint Kick/15m off wall or double pullouts – best stroke
4 * 100 Kick descend on 2:00
4 * 100 long with fins on 1:45
6 * 50 blast on 3:00