300 Pull on 5
4 * 75 kick descend on 1:30
300 Swim on 4:30
4 * 75 Pull descend - maintain SC - paddles optl'l on 1:20
300 Kick (200 IM/100 stroke) on 6
4 * 75 swim descend - 4+ dolphin kicks off each wall on 1:10
16 * 100 with fins
1) Kick no board/swim on 1:35
2) swim on 1:25
3) Kick/Swim on 1:30
4) Swim no free on 1:30
Breast or IM
200 2K1P on 4:00
6 * 75 Pull &/or Swim 1) 25 Back/50 Breast, 2) 50 Back/25 Breast
4 * 50 on :50 - breast or Back/ Breast
6 * 25 Fly S or Breast Kick on :25
200 2K1P on 4:00
6 * 75 Pull &/or Swim 1) 25 Back/50 Breast, 2) 50 Back/25 Breast
4 * 200 on 4:00
1) 75 Fly-25 off-50 Fly-25 Off- 25 Fly
2) 25 Fly-25 Off-50 Fly-25 Off-75 Fly
repeat til end of practice 2 x 25 smooth Fly , 2 * 25 Choice - fins opt'l (approx 7-10s rest), 2
twice thru
3 * 200 Back descend on 3:30 (3rd 50 kick)
6 X 50's 6Kicks with fins on :50
3x4x200 Free on 2:30, 2:40 or 2:50
Rd 1) Descend Pull Rd 2) Descend Swim S Rd 3) Ascend Kick on 4:00