300 Pull on 5:00 4 * 75 swim descend on 1:20
300 Kick on 6:00 - Chloe & Annie PBL with paddles
4 75 Pull descend on 1:20 300 Swim on 5:00 4 * 75 Kick descend on 1:30 - Chloe and Annie 50's with chutes
Three times thru
8 * best average on :30 - in waves
100 off
1st round swim (25m)
2nd round with fins (37.5)
3rd round swim on :25 or kick on :35
25 sprint on 2:00
75 sprint on 4:00
50 sprint on 4:00
100 Sprint
WD with fins
X * 100 RA/LA/fist/Flow