600-800 Choice
3 * 200 kick descend on 4:30
10 * 75 on 1:10 - start by 7:00
1-2) Pull gets faster each time
3-4) Long swim
8 * 25 on 1:00
Choice any or all of:
build kick and high tempo swim Swim with paddles and fins
Easy speed
Other speed drills
2x25 walk backs
16 * 50 on 1:10 - stay on pace
3 fast 1 long
2 x (2 fast, 2 long)
Sprint Sprint +1.5
Sprint + 2
16 * 100 with fins
1st 8
1-2) swim on 1:25
3-4) K/S on 1:35
2nd 8 1-2) swim on 1:40
3-4) K/S on 1:50