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Mon Nov 6

Partner warmup (15 min)

4 times thru (8 50's swim for each partner) Hollow rocks<--> fly

Seated kicks <--) Back

Squats <--> Breast

Push ups <--> Free

Shallow end (200 then 4 fast turns) * 2


Deep end (200 with paddles into triangle into 10 vertical kicks) * 2

8 sprints on 1:00 5m/10m/15m/20m/20m/15m/10m/5m

Distance Free (40 min set)

800 Pull 12:00 - shorter distance if needed to get 20s rest

3 * 200 swim Descend on 2:40, 2:50 or 3 (3 min swimmers join in, 2:40 extra rest

Freestylers could join other set at this point

600 Pull on 9:30

2 * 200 swim best average (30s rest) (2 * 200 & 30s rest on 5:30

400 Pull on 7:00

1 * 200 Sprint

4 times thru

5 * 200 descend on 4:00

150 long drills/50 swim

100 long drills/100 swim

50 Drill/150 swim

200 swim descend

3 * 75 descend, 1 * 100 sprint all on 1:20 (+5 or + 10 - breaststrokers)

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