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Monday aerobic work KBM pm & Queens am

6 * 50 Bk K/Breast swim

IM wheel - Fly could be Kick, other adaptations apply

on 4(1:36/100), 4:20(1:44/100), 4:40(1:52/100) or 5(2:00/100 only do 7)

twice through - second round 10s faster (3:50, 4:10, 4:30, 4:50)

aiming for 10s rest

25 Fly/50 back/75 Breast/100 Free on

50 Fly/75 Back/100 Breast/25 Free

75 Fly/100 Back/25 Breast/50 Free 100 Fly/25 Back/50 Breast/75 Free

4,6 or 8 * 75 with fins on 1:10

#1) 1st 25 streamlined Kick, #2) 2nd 25 streamlined kick. #3) 3rd 25 streamlined Kick everything else is swim

7 * 200 - can be mixed (ie every 4th 25 breast, each of the 6 repeats should be the same )

3 on fpp +20, 2 on fpp+10, 2 on fpp

Last 20 min

A/ 20 min continuous 25 back/50 breast 2K1P - keep it long B/ 20 min continuous snorkel and PB C/ 30 * 25 1 on :25, 2 on :30, 1 on :25, 2 on :30 - good chance to great strokes (fly?)

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