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Thurs Feb 24 pm swim

4 * 25 3 * 50

2 * 100

1 * 200

2 * 100

3 * 50

4 * 25 - 25 minutes?

Maintain Stroke count throughout - if you get faster or holding the same time great. However, PRIORITIZE STROKE COUNT and take the rest needed to do so

6 * 200 IM on 4:00 1-2) K/S/K/S by 50 3-4) Drill/K/S/K by 50

5-6) Swim with fins

6 * 300

1) long turns 2) underwater turns/hinge turn

3) Pull breathing every 5

4) 6 Kicks per side with fins or Breast swim with fins 5) 6 kicks per side other stroke or 2K1P/S breast (250) 6) Swim with fins

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