800 IM Flow with fins (min 100m of each atroke)
600 IM flow (min three strokes - stronger/no fins
400 IM flow with fins - speedy - 30 min
9 * 100 IM switch on 10-15s rest (each round of gets faster)
option K/S fly and S/K the Free
dolphin kick review
kick below body line
lift with glutes not a back arch
small to big
Twice thru
4 * 25 1) smooth underwater, 2) 5&glide 3) 5&swim&underwater to flip, 4)10/15 on 1:00
400 Pull done as underwater recovery/long/strong/PBL by 25 on 8:00
4 * 25 on 1:00
300 - no free 50 drill/50 Swim on 6:00