400 Free/Back by 100 fist/swim by 50
300 Pull build - knuckle paddles if using
200 IM with fins
4 * 50 build and descend down to 200 Pace on 1:00
4 * 50 repeat different stroke
4 * 5 & glide, 5 fast vertical kicks, 5 s, fast finish (1&3 dive)
2 * 25 easy speed
2 * 25 15/10
2 * (2*25, 1*50 sprint on 1:30)
400 Choice on 6:30
6 * 25 sprint 2 with paddles, 2 without on 1:30
800 Choice - last 200 with fins
4 * 25 sprint with fins on 1:30
5 * 100 descend to 400 Pace on 1:45, 1:55
3 * (3*50, 1*100 @ 400 Pace) on 1,1,1,1:30) join sprint set