Oct 9 AM
400 Fr/Bk by 100, fist/swim by 50 400 6 Kick switch (200 with fins) 300 Kick (200 IM/100 IM) 3 * 200 10s drops to pb + 20-30s
8 * 25 sprint with fins on :25 (done in 3 waves – 8 min before next round) 8 * 25 sprint on :25 or :30 (done in 3 waves – 8 min before next round 8 * 15 sec sprint choice on 1:00
3 sprint 75’s or 50s from block
Oct 9 pm
400, 4 * 100, 4 * 50 descend
6 * 125 Pull on 2:30
first and last 25 build to fast middle 75 (3 strokes fast within each 25
10 * 75 best average on 1:30
Kick set 5 * thru
100 smooth on 2:30 4 * 25 with fins on :20, 30, 40, 30 (build to fast)