700-800 with fins (75 6kicks/side - 25 swim)
snorkel encourages
600 PBL 150 with snorkel/150 without
4 * 50 1-3) smooth, 4) Fast on 1:00
200 fast on 4:00 4 * 50 1) smooth, 2) Fast on 1:15
200 include 150 on 4:00 4 * 50 1-3) fast, 3) smooth 4) Fast on 1:30
200 include 100 fast on 4:00 4 * 50 1-4) fast on 1:45
200 include a fast 50 on 4:00
40 * 25 (11-20 & 31-40 - Breast or Fly)
1&2) swim on 25
3) build on :30
4) sprint on 40
5-8) long on :35 (drill or swim with paddles or 2K1P or salmon
9) build turnover to feet on :50
10) swim with fast turnover to feet on :50