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Tuesday Oct 3 am


400 50S/25LA/25RA

300 75 Cruise Pull/25 strong with PBL and paddles

200 kick each 50 gets faster try for equal drops

3 * 100 IM (8/10/1/6 kicks off walks

4 times 4 strokes out/ sprint kick back

30 min to here then

A/ 4 times thru

2 * 75, 1* 100 on 1:40. fast with some combination of equipment on 75's, swim the 100's all on 2:00

4 times in and out on 1:30

200 smooth on 4



Distance set - not available tonight

800 on 12 or 12:30

3 * 400 on 6:00

4 * 200 2:50 or 3

200 off on 5

200 fast


Tonight A/ or ultralight, ultrafast

Warmup then

8 push 25s with fins on 1:30

8 dive 20, 25, 30 walk backs on 3

Three times thru

25 kick with fins maintain tempo on :40

50 sprint with fins on 2:20

5 * 100 blast kick on 3:00

any 2 with fins

Any 2 no board

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