(15min) 800-1000 choice – each 200 is the same and each 200 gets faster (ie you could do 4 * 200 IM without stopping as long as each on gets faster. You can’t do 200 Fly, 200 Back, 200 Breast…
(13 min) 600-800 PBL with paddles – every 4th 25 alternate Back or Breast
3 * 400 Free descend on 5:30 or 6:00 or 5 * 200 IM on 3:15 or 3:30 – adjust distance as needed on first 4 (ie 25 Fly/50 Back/25 Breast/100 Free. Try to descend but regardless last 1 is FAST
3 times thru
3 * 25 K on :40 2 * 50 K on 1:00 1 * 75 K on 1:20 50 swim on :40
4 times thru – everything on :50, 55 or 1:00
50 with 15m walls
50 dolphin Kick 25 streamline/25 hands at side
50 Fly
50 Long Double arm Back
50 fast 2K1P
50 Long 3L1P
50 Free sprint